Vegetable Leaf Recognition Using Image Processing Matlab Project Source Code | Recognition of Vegetable Leaf Using Matlab


             Leaf Recognition is now emerging for research purposes. Leaf recognition technology plays an important role in plant classification and its key issue lies in whether selected features are stable and have good ability to discriminate different kinds of leaves. It is well known that the correct way to extract plant features involves plant recognition based on leaf images. In Agriculture, vegetables plants have become an important source of energy and source of living for farmers. Correctly identifying a vegetable leaf allows farmers to differentiate between vegetables as well as a vegetable seedling and weed in the garden. With so many varieties of leafy greens coming from our local farmers each week, it can be difficult to figure out vegetable it belongs to. Though these leaves may appear similar at a glance, they are actually quite unique in terms of Shape, Texture and Color. And with the increasing use of innovative computer technology, digitalized ways have become a possibility for plant identification. The proposed system will solve the problem of determining the vegetables just through the photograph of their leaves. In particular, identification process is carried out by gathering leaves detached from the plants, treated and stained prior to the imaging. Recognition of Vegetable Leaf using Matlab project, is to create an Informative Vegetable’s Leaf Recognition using Matlab to help the farmers, botanist and Agricultural Researchers in identifying a vegetable and its common details in a convenient and reliable way. The output parameters are used to compute well documented metrics for the statistical and shape. Base on the study, the following conclusion are drawn: The system can extract various parameters from the leaf’s image that will be used in identifying Vegetable`s from the extracted leaf parameters, the system provides the statistical analysis and general information of the identified leaf.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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