Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project With Source Code | Final Year Project Code


            The detection and classification of plant diseases are the crucial factors in plant production and the reduction of losses in crop yield. This project proposes an approach for plant leaf disease detection and classification on plants using image processing. The plant disease diagnosis is restricted by person’s visual capabilities as it is microscopic in nature. Due to optical nature of plant monitoring task, computer visualization methods are adopted in plant disease recognition. The aim is to detect the symptoms of the disease occurred in leaves in an accurate way. Once the captured image is pre-processed, the various properties of the plant leaf such as intensity, color and size are extracted and sent to with Image Processing for classification and the disease are detected. This project is developed in matlab.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Pomegranate Fruit Disease Detection Using CNN Convolutional Neural Network | Python Project With Source Code


            Diseases in pomegranate fruit cause devastating problem in economic losses and production in agricultural industry worldwide. In this project, a solution for the detection and classification of pomegranate fruit diseases is proposed and experimentally validated. Our experimental results express that the proposed solution can significantly support accurate detection and automatic classification of pomegranate fruit diseases using Convolutional Neural Network. An early detection of fruit diseases can aid in decreasing such losses and can stop further spread of diseases. A lot of work has been done to automate the visual inspection of the fruits by machine vision with respect to size and color. However, detection of defects in the fruits using images is still problematic due to the natural variability of skin color in different types of disease in fruits, high variance of defect types. To know what control factors to consider next year to overcome similar losses, it is of great significance to analyze what is being observed. This project is developed in python.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Glaucoma Detection Using CNN Convolutional Neural Network Matlab Project With Source Code | Final Year Project Code


                Computational techniques have great impact in the field of Medicine and Biology. These techniques help the medical practitioners to diagnose any abnormality in advance and provide fruitful treatment. Retinal image analysis has been an ongoing area of research. Automated retinal image analysis aid the ophthalmologists in detecting abnormalities in the retinal structures namely optic disc, blood vessels, thus diagnosing sight threatening retinal diseases such as Glaucoma and Retinopathy. Glaucoma is the major cause of blindness in working population. Glaucoma is characterized by increased intra-ocular pressure inside the eye leading to changes in the optic disc and optic nerve. It does not reveal its symptoms until later stage. Hence, regular screening of the patients is required to identify the disease, thus demanding high labor, time and expertise. Thus, computational techniques are sought for their analysis. In this project, identification of Glaucoma is carried out through computational techniques namely image processing. As the changes in the profile of optic disc act as a biomarker for the onset of the disease, optic disc is segmented through image processing techniques. Optic disc is the brightest part portrayed as oval structure in the retinal fundus image. It encompasses optic cup, which is the brightest central part, optic rim, the surrounding pale part and the blood vessels. All these structures are segmented and their properties are elicited. Then, properties of the disc, cup and blood vessels within optic disc are mined to design a learning model for prediction of Glaucoma.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Banana Fruit Grade Classification Using CNN Convolutional Neural Network Matlab Project With Source Code


         Many technological advancements have been developed for precise learning in every field. It is very important to analyze the data in order to extract some useful information. To standardize the quality of bananas it is essential to determine grade of bananas. This project present a Convolutional Neural Network architecture to classify the grade of banana fruits correctly. It learns a set of image features based on a data-driven mechanism and offers a deep indicator of banana’s grade. The computer vision techniques can potentially provide an automated and non-destructive tool for the classification of grading banana. In the field of artificial intelligence, recent advances in deep learning have led to breakthroughs in long-standing tasks such as vision-related problems of feature extraction, image segmentation, and image classification. Among all these techniques, convolutional neural network (CNN) is one of the most successful methods and has acquired a broad application in image classification. The process of transforming photos into the appropriate digital image data in order to extract particular information is known as image processing. Image processing refers to a strategy or approach for processing photos or images by modifying the chosen image data to get accurate information. Processing a picture is made simple by image processing. Utilizing tried-and-true image processing technologies helps increase fruit grading system. This project is developed in matlab using convolutional neural network in image processing.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Lung Cancer Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project With Source Code | Final Year Project


             Lung cancer prevalence is one of the highest of cancers. One of the first steps in lung cancer diagnosis is sampling of lung tissues or biopsy. These tissue samples are then microscopically analyzed. This procedure is taken once imaging tests indicate the presence of cancer cells in the chest. Lung cancer diagnosis using lung images. One of them is that doctor still relies on subjective visual observation. A medical specialist must do thorough observation and accurate analysis in detecting lung cancer in patients. Hence, there is need for a system that is capable for detecting lung cancer automatically from microscopic images of biopsy. This method will improve the efficiency for lung cancer detection. The aim of this project is to design a lung cancer detection system based on analysis of ct image of lung using digital image processing. A medical specialist must do thorough observation and accurate analysis in detecting lung cancer in patients. Hence, there is need for a system that is capable for detecting lung cancer automatically from images of lungs. This method will improve the efficiency for lung nodule detection. The aim of this project is to detect a lung cancer detection system based on analysis of lung images using digital image processing. Lung Cancer Detection done using image processing. This project is developed in matlab.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Medical Image Fusion Using Curvelet Transform Technique Matlab Project with Source Code


               Image fusion is the process of merging two images of the same scene to form a single image with as much information as possible. Image fusion is important in many different image processing fields such as satellite imaging, remote sensing and medical imaging. The study in the field of image fusion has evolved to serve the advance in satellite imaging and then, it has been extended to the field of medical imaging. Several fusion algorithms have been proposed extending from the simple averaging to the curvelet transform. The wavelet fusion algorithm has succeeded in both satellite and medical image fusion applications. The basic limitation of the wavelet fusion algorithm is in the fusion of curved shapes. Thus, there is a requirement for another algorithm that can handle curved shapes. So, the application of the curvelet transform for curved object image fusion would result in better fusion efficiency. This project introduces the Curvelet Transform and uses it to fuse images. The experiments show that the method could extract useful information from source images to fused images so that clear images are obtained. The main objective of medical imaging is to obtain a high resolution image with as much details as possible for the sake of diagnosis. MR and the CT techniques are medical imaging techniques. Both techniques give special sophisticated characteristics of the organ to be imaged. So, it is expected that the fusion of the MR and the CT images of the same organ would result in an integrated image of much more details. Due to the limited ability of the wavelet transform to deal with images having curved shapes, the application of the curvelet transform for MR and CT image fusion is presented. This project is developed in matlab.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Currency Recognition Using Image Processing Matlab Project Source Code Final Year Project


             The Reserve Bank is the one which issue bank notes in India. Reserve Bank, changes the design of bank notes from time to time. The appearance of the currency is part of this development and it is affected directly, where there is exploited in incorrect form by copying the currency in a manner similar to the reality. Therefore, it became necessary to implement a proposal for being a suitable as solution not inconsistent with the different cultures, time and place. This clear through add the watermarks inside currency, which is difficult to be copied. At the same time, this watermarks may be visible to the naked eye so can easily inferred or it is invisible. However the high resolution imaging devices can copy these additions. In this research, we have proposed a system to distinguish the currencies by the program that working a submission inferred to the watermark by feature extraction determined the type of currency. In addition to, it determined category of the currency. Benefit of it, is reducing as much as possible the spread of counterfeit currency and this system can be used by any user wants to make sure of the currency. This project is developed in matlab.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +917276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using CNN Convolutional Neural Network Matlab Project With Source Code | IEEE Based Project


           Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a chronic health disease which requires early detection and treatment. It is important to identify DR using an intelligent system for faster prediction since manual examination and detection of the disease are unreliable and highly prone to error. Therefore, various researchers and medical experts have adopted and approached for advanced feature extraction and image classification, for early DR detection. Diabetic Retinopathy is a consequence of diabetes that affects the eyes. Damaged blood vessels in the retina, a light-sensitive tissue, are the primary cause of DR. If the patient has a long-term case  of diabetes and  the blood sugar  level is  not regulated consistently, the odds of this  issue developing in the eye increase.  Diabetic  Retinopathy is  one  of  the most  common causes  of  blindness  in  the Western  countries. Preventing Diabetic Retinopathy has  found to be quite beneficial when people with  diabetes are  monitored regularly. This  process is  shown to be essential if Diabetic Retinopathy is discovered in its early stages due to the availability of treatment. Diabetic Retinopathy, the main cause of blindness among working-age adults, affects millions of individuals. Diabetic  Retinopathy  is  a  medical  disorder  in  which  diabetes  mellitus  causes  damage  to  the  retina.  Diabetic Retinopathy  is diagnosed  using  colored  fundus  images,  which  requires  trained clinicians  to recognize  the  presence  and importance  of  several tiny  characteristics,  making  it a  time-consuming  task.  We present  a convolutional neural network CNN-based  technique to  detect diabetic retinopathy in fundus images in this project. This project is developed in matlab.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Lung Nodule Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network Matlab Project With Source Code IEEE Based Project


        Lung nodule prevalence is one of the highest of cancers. One of the first steps in lung nodule diagnosis is sampling of lung tissues. These tissue samples are then microscopically analyzed. This procedure is taken once imaging tests indicate the presence of nodule cells in the chest. Lung nodule diagnosis using lung images. One of them is that doctor still relies on subjective visual observation. A medical specialist must do thorough observation and accurate analysis in detecting lung nodule in patients. Hence, there is need for a system that is capable for detecting lung nodule automatically from images of lungs. This method will improve the efficiency for lung nodule detection. The aim of this project is to detect a lung nodule detection system based on analysis of lung images using digital image processing. Lung images parameters extracted and classified using convolutional neural network (CNN). This method is implemented to detection of lung nodule of lung samples in matlab.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Skin Disease Detection Using CNN Convolutional Neural Network Matlab Project With Source Code | Melanoma Detection


         Skin cancer also known as melanoma it is one of the deadliest form of cancer if not recognized in time. Since the pigmented areas/moles of the skin can be nicely observed by simple, non-invasive visual inspection the clinical protocols of its recognition also consider several visual features. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, which is considered one of the most common human malignancies in the world. Early detection of this disease can affect the result of the illness and improve the chance of surviving. The tremendous improvement of deep learning algorithms in image recognition tasks promises a great success for medical image analysis, in particular, melanoma classification for skin cancer diagnosis. Activation functions play an important role in the performance of deep neural networks for image recognition problems as well as medical image classification. Melanin is the pigment that discerns the color of human skin. The special cells produce melanin in the skin. If these cells are damaged or unhealthy, skin discoloration is visible. Skin pigment discoloration on cheeks is a hazardous fact as a symptom of human skin disease with a possibility of losing natural beauty. The extracted information of the skin discoloration can work as a guide to diagnosis the disease. In this project different imaging techniques like preprocessing method, segmentation and classification operations are used to analyze and extract the information of cheek’s discoloration lesion by measuring the pixel number of lesion on skin. This project is developed in matlab.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +917276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

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