Secret Key Image Encryption Decryption Using AES Algorithm | AES Based Image Encryption Using Matlab Project


            During the last decade information security has become the major issue. The encrypting and decrypting of the data has been widely investigated because the demand for the better encryption and decryption of the data is gradually increased for getting the better security for the communication between the devices more privately. The Image Encryption Decryption play a major role for the fulfillment for this demand. The purpose of this project is to provide the better as well as more secure communication system by enhancing the strength of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. AES algorithm was known for providing the best security without any limitations.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network CNN In Python Project Source Code || IEEE Based Final Year Projects


            The detection and classification of plant diseases are the crucial factors in plant production and the reduction of losses in crop yield. This project proposes an approach for plant leaf disease detection and classification on plants using image processing. The algorithm presented has three basic steps: Image Pre-processing and analysis Recognition of plant disease. The plant disease diagnosis is restricted by person’s visual capabilities as it is microscopic in nature. Due to optical nature of plant monitoring task, computer visualization methods are adopted in plant disease recognition. The aim is to detect the symptoms of the disease occurred in leaves in an accurate way. Once the captured image is pre-processed, the various properties of the plant leaf such as intensity, color and size are extracted and sent to with Convolutional  Neural Network CNN for classification. 



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Secret Data Hiding Cryptography Python Project With Source Code


            Message security is an utmost concern in the web attacks are become more serious. The Message  hiding has applications in internet communication, military communication, medical imaging, multimedia systems, tele-medicine, etc. To make the data secure from various attacks the data must be encrypted before it is transmitting. Absolute protection is a difficult issue to maintain the confidentiality of Message through their transmission over open channels such as internet or networks and is a major concern in the media, so Data Cryptography becomes an area of attraction and interest of research in the field of information security. The project offer proposed system that provides a special kinds of message embedding data security, Cryptography for embedded message to extract. This approach provides high security and it will be suitable for secured transmission of data over the networks or Internet.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Image Watermarking Using Python Project With Source Code | Final Year Project


        Digital Image watermarking is a technology for embedding various types of information in digital content. In general, information for protecting copyrights and proving the validity of data is embedded as a watermark. A digital watermark is a digital signal or pattern inserted into digital content. The digital content could be a still image, an audio clip, a video clip, a text document, or some form of digital data that the creator or owner would like to protect. The main purpose of the watermark is to identify who the owner of the digital data is, but it can also identify the intended recipient. The Image watermarking is most popular method for copyright protection by discrete wavelet transform which performs two level decomposition of original cover image and watermark image is embedded in lowest level sub band of cover image.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde 
Mobile: +91-7276355704 
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704 

Breast Cancer Detection In Mammography Images Using Neural Network Matlab Project || IEEE Based Project


            The World Health Organization's International agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, estimates that more than 150 000 women worldwide die of breast cancer each year. The breast cancer is one among the top three cancers in American women. In United States, the American Cancer Society estimates that, 215 990 new cases of breast carcinoma has been diagnosed, in 2004. It is the leading cause of death due to cancer in women under the age of 65 . In India, breast cancer accounts for 23% of all the female cancers followed by cervical cancers (17.5%) in metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Calcutta, and Bangalore. However, cervical cancer is still number one in rural India. Although the incidence is lower in India than in the developed countries, the burden of breast cancer in India is alarming. Organ chlorines are considered a possible cause for hormone-dependent cancers . Detection of early and subtle signs of breast cancer requires high-quality images and skilled mammographic interpretation. In order to detect early onset of cancers in breast screening, it is essential to have high-quality images. Radiologists reading mammograms should be trained in the recognition of the signs of early onset of, which may be subtle and may not show typical malignant features. Mammography screening programs have shown to be effective in decreasing breast cancer mortality through the detection and treatment of early onset of breast cancers.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde 
Mobile: +91-7276355704 
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704 

Top 10 Biomedical Projects With Source Code | Top 10 Final Year Projects With Source Code

1. Liver Cancer Detection Using Image Processing

2. Fingernail Disease Detection Using Image Processing

3. Skin Disease Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project Code

4. Types of Brain Tumor Detection Using Matlab Project Source Code

5. Breast Cancer Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project With Source Code

6. Blood Group Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project Source Code

7. Brain Tumor Detection Using CNN Matlab Project Source Code

8. Malaria Detection from Blood Cell Using Neural Network Matlab Project Source Code

9. Leukemia Blood Cancer Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project With Code

10. Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Neural Network Matlab Project Code

Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Visible Image Watermarking Using Python Project With Source Code


           Digital watermarking is a technology for embedding various types of information in digital content. In general, information for protecting copyrights and proving the validity of data is embedded as a watermark. A digital watermark is a digital signal or pattern inserted into digital content. The digital content could be a still image, an audio clip, a video clip, a text document, or some form of digital data that the creator or owner would like to protect. The main purpose of the watermark is to identify who the owner of the digital data is, but it can also identify the intended recipient. The Image watermarking is most popular method for copyright protection by discrete Wavelet Transform which performs two level decomposition of original cover image and watermark image is embedded in lowest level sub band of cover image. Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform is used to recover original image from watermarked image.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Image Enhancement Using Histogram Equalization Python Project with Source Code


                Digital image enhancement is one of the most important image processing technology which is necessary to improve the visual appearance of the image or to provide a better transform representation for future automated image processing such as image analysis, detection, segmentation and recognition. Many images have very low dynamic range of the intensity values due to insufficient illumination and therefore need to be processed before being displayed. Large number of techniques have focused on the enhancement of gray level images in the spatial domain. These methods include histogram equalization, gamma correction, high pass filtering, low pass filtering, homomorphic filtering, etc. Image enhancement techniques are of particular interest in photography, satellite imagery, medical applications and display devices. Producing visually natural is required for many important areas such as vision, remote sensing, dynamic scene analysis, autonomous navigation, and biomedical image analysis.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

DWT Based Image Steganography Python Project With Source Code / Hiding Text Message in Cover Image Using DWT


            Steganography is the science and art of secret communication between two sides that attempt to hide the content of the message. It is the science of embedding information into the cover image without causing a loss in the cover image after embedding. Steganography is the art and technology of writing hidden messages in such a manner that no person, apart from the sender and supposed recipient, suspects the lifestyles of the message. It is gaining huge attention these days as it does now not attract attention to its information's existence. In this project the secret message is embedded using DWT technique is applied. Moreover, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is used to transform the image into the frequency domain.  DWT algorithm is implemented in frequency domain in which the stego-image is transformed from spatial domain to the frequency domain and the payload bits are inserted into the frequency components of the cover image.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Image Encryption and Decryption Using RSA Algorithm Python Project With Source Code


            Image security is an utmost concern in the web attacks are become more serious. The Image encryption and decryption has applications in internet communication, military communication, medical imaging, multimedia systems, tele-medicine, etc. To make the data secure from various attacks the data must be encrypted before it is transmitting. Absolute protection is a difficult issue to maintain the confidentiality of images through their transmission over open channels such as internet or networks and is a major concern in the media, so image Cryptography becomes an area of attraction and interest of research in the field of information security. The project offer proposed system that provides a special kinds of image Encryption image security, Cryptography using RSA algorithm for encrypted images to extract using RSA algorithm. This approach provides high security and it will be suitable for secured transmission of images over the networks or Internet.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Secret Key Based Video Steganography Using Matlab Project With Source Code || IEEE Based Project


            Information security has become the area of concern as a result of widespread use of communication medium over the internet. This project focuses on the data security approach when combined with encryption and steganography techniques for secret communication by hiding it inside the multimedia files. The high results are achieved by providing the security to data before transmitting it over the internet. The files such as images, audio, video contains collection of bits that can be further translated into images, audio and video. The files composed of insignificant bits or unused areas which can be used for overwriting of other data. This Project explains the proposed algorithm using video steganography for enhancing data security. The Steganography, Cryptography and Digital Watermarking techniques can be used to obtain security and privacy of data. The steganography is the art of hiding data inside another data such as cover medium by applying different steganography techniques. While cryptography results in making the data human unreadable form called as cipher thus cryptography is scrambling of messages. Whereas the steganography results in exploitation of human awareness so it remains unobserved and undetected or intact. It is possible to use all file medium, digital data, or files as a cover medium in steganography. Generally steganography technique is applied where the cryptography is ineffective.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Leukemia Blood Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Matlab Source Code


             Leukemia Blood cancer is the most prevalent and it is very much dangerous among all type of cancers. Early detection of blood cancer has the potential to reduce mortality and morbidity. There are many diagnostic technologies and tests to diagnose blood cancer. However many of these tests are extremely complex and subjective and depend heavily on the experience of the technician. To obviate these problems, image processing techniques is use in this study as promising modalities for detection of Leukemia blood cancer. The accuracy rate of the diagnosis of blood cancer by using image processing will be yield a slightly higher rate of accuracy then other traditional methods and will reduce the effort and time. We first discuss the preliminary of cell biology required to proceed to implement our proposed method. This project presents a new automated approach for blood Cancer detection and analysis from a given photograph of patient’s cancer affected blood sample. The proposed method is using image improvement, image segmentation for segmenting the different cells of blood, edge detection for detecting the boundary, size, and shape of the cells and finally Clustering for final decision of blood cancer based on the number of different cells.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Image Processing Matlab Source Code


               Content based image retrieval utilizes representations of features that are automatically extracted from the images themselves. All most all of the current CBIR systems allow for querying by example, a technique wherein an image (or part of an image) is selected by the user as the query. The system extracts the feature of the query image, searches the database for images with similar features, and exhibits relevant images to the user in order of similarity to the query. In this context, content includes among other features, perceptual properties such as texture, color, shape, and spatial relationships. Many CBIR systems have been developed that compare, analyze and retrieve images based on one or more of these features. Some systems have achieved various degrees of success by combining both content based and text based retrieval. In all cases, however, there has been no definitive conclusion as to what features provide the best retrieval. In this project we are retrieving the images similar to the query image.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Signature Recognition Using Neural Network Matlab Project With Source Code


         The fact that the signature is widely used as a means of personal identification tool for humans require that the need for an automatic verification system. Verification can be performed either Offline or Online based on the application. However human signatures can be handled as an image and recognized using computer vision and neural network techniques. With modern computers, there is need to develop fast algorithms for signature recognition. There are various approaches to signature recognition with a lot of scope of research. Signature verification and recognition is a technology that can improve security in our day to day transaction held in society. This project presents a novel approach for offline signature verification. In this project signature verification using Image Processing is projected, where the signature is written on a paper are obtained using a scanner or a camera captured and presented in an image format. For authentication of signature, the proposed method is based on geometrical and statistical feature extraction and then the entire database. The extracted features of investigation signature are compared with the previously trained features of the reference signature. This technique is suitable for various applications such as bank transactions, passports with good authentication results etc.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +917276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

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