Recognizing plants is a vital problem especially for biologists, agricultural researchers, and environmentalists. Plant recognition can be performed by human experts manually but it is a time consuming and low-efficiency process. Automation of plant recognition is an important process for the fields working with plants. This project presents an approach for plant recognition using leaf images. In this study, the proponents demonstrated the development of the system that gives users the ability to identify vegetables based on photographs of the leaves taken with a high definition camera. At the heart of this system is a modernize process of identification, so as to automate the way of identifying the vegetable plants through leaf image and digital image processing. The output parameters are used to compute well documented metrics for the statistical and shape. Base on the study, the following conclusion are drawn: The system can extract the physical parameters from the leaf’s image that will be used in identifying Vegetable`s. From the extracted leaf parameters, the system provides the statistical analysis and general information of the identified leaf.