Fingernail Disease Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project Source Code | Final Year Project Code


          This project gives idea to predict diseases using the color of the nail at early stage of diagnosis. The main aim of our project is to analyze the disease without causing harm to humans. In earlier traditional system of disease detection, doctors observe the nails of patients and will predict the disease. Many diseases can be identified by analyzing nails of patients. But it is difficult for human eyes to differentiate the slight changes in color. So it is less accurate and time consuming. Our proposed system can be quite useful to overcome this issue since it is fully computer based. The input to the proposed system is image of nail. The system will process the nail image and will extract the nail’s features to diagnose the disease. Human nail consist of various features, our proposed system uses nail color changes to diagnose the disease. Here, first training set data is prepared from nail images of patients with specific diseases. This training data set is compared with extracted feature from input nail image to obtain the result. In our experiment, we found that training set data are correctly matched with color feature of nail image results. It is focused on the system of image recognition on the basis of color analysis. The proposed system is based on the algorithm which automatically extracts only nails area from scanned back side of palm (Region of Interest). These selected pixels are processed for further analysis using median filters. The system is fully computer based, so even small discontinuities in color values are observed, and we can detect color changes in the initial stage of disease.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Breast Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning CNN Matlab Project With Source Code


        The World Health Organization's International agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, estimates that more than 150 000 women worldwide die of breast cancer each year. Organ chlorines are considered a possible cause for hormone-dependent cancers . Detection of early and subtle signs of breast cancer requires high-quality images and skilled mammographic interpretation. In order to detect early onset of cancers in breast screening, it is essential to have high-quality images. Radiologists reading mammograms should be trained in the recognition of the signs of early onset of, which may be subtle and may not show typical malignant features. Mammography screening programs have shown to be effective in decreasing breast cancer mortality through the detection and treatment of early onset of breast cancers. In this project we have used deep learning convolutional neural network for classification of breast cancer like Benign Cancer, Malignant Cancer and Normal Breast.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde 
Mobile: +91-7276355704 
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704 

Lung Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning CNN Matlab Project With Source Code Final Year Project


             Lung cancer prevalence is one of the highest of cancers. One of the first steps in lung cancer diagnosis is sampling of lung tissues or biopsy. These tissue samples are then microscopically analyzed. This procedure is taken once imaging tests indicate the presence of cancer cells in the chest. Lung cancer diagnosis using lung images. One of them is that doctor still relies on subjective visual observation. A medical specialist must do thorough observation and accurate analysis in detecting lung cancer in patients. Hence, there is need for a system that is capable for detecting lung cancer automatically from microscopic images of biopsy. This method will improve the accuracy and efficiency for lung cancer detection. The aim of this research is to design a lung cancer detection system based on analysis of microscopic image of biopsy using digital image processing. Lung Cancer Detection done using deep learning CNN.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Glaucoma Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project With Source Code | Final Year Project Code


                Computational techniques have great impact in the field of Medicine and Biology. These techniques help the medical practitioners to diagnose any abnormality in advance and provide fruitful treatment. Retinal image analysis has been an ongoing area of research. Automated retinal image analysis aid the ophthalmologists in detecting abnormalities in the retinal structures namely optic disc, blood vessels, thus diagnosing sight threatening retinal diseases such as Glaucoma and Retinopathy. Glaucoma is the major cause of blindness in working population. Glaucoma is characterized by increased intra-ocular pressure inside the eye leading to changes in the optic disc and optic nerve. It does not reveal its symptoms until later stage. Hence, regular screening of the patients is required to identify the disease, thus demanding high labor, time and expertise. Thus, computational techniques are sought for their analysis. In this project, identification of Glaucoma is carried out through computational techniques namely image processing. As the changes in the profile of optic disc act as a biomarker for the onset of the disease, optic disc is segmented through image processing techniques. Optic disc is the brightest part portrayed as oval structure in the retinal fundus image. It encompasses optic cup, which is the brightest central part, optic rim, the surrounding pale part and the blood vessels. All these structures are segmented and their properties are elicited. Then, properties of the disc, cup and blood vessels within optic disc are mined to design a learning model for prediction of Glaucoma.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Emotion Recognition From Facial Expression Using Image Processing Matlab Project With Source Code | Final Year Project Code


            This project objective is to introduce needs and applications of facial expression recognition. Between Verbal & Non-Verbal form of communication facial expression is form of non-verbal communication but it plays pivotal role. It express human perspective or filling & his or her mental situation. A big research has been addressed to enhance Human Computer Interaction (HCI) over two decades. This project includes introduction of facial emotion recognition system, Application, comparative study of popular face expression recognition techniques & phases of automatic facial expression recognition system. Emotional aspects have huge impact on Social intelligence like communication understanding, decision making and also helps in understanding behavioral aspect of human. Emotion play pivotal role during communication. Emotion recognition is carried out in diverse way, it may be verbal or non-verbal .Voice (Audible) is verbal form of communication & Facial expression, action, body postures and gesture is non-verbal form of communication. While communicating only 7% effect of message is contributes by verbal part as a whole, 38% by vocal part and 55% effect of the speaker’s message is contributed by facial expression. For that reason automated & real time facial expression would play important role in human and machine interaction. Facial expression recognition would be useful from human facilities to clinical practices. Analysis of facial expression plays fundamental roles for applications which are based on emotion recognition like Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Social Robot, Animation, Alert System & Pain monitoring for patients.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Soybean Plant Diseases Detection Using Image Processing Python Project Source Code || Final Year Project Code


          India is an agricultural country and soybean production is one of the major sources of earning. Due to the major factors like diseases, pest attacks, and sudden changes in the weather condition, the productivity of the soybean crop decreases. Automatic detection of soybean plant diseases is essential to detect the symptoms of soybean diseases as early as they appear on the growing stage. This project proposed a methodology for the analysis and detection of soybean plant leaf diseases using recent digital image processing techniques. In this project, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can successfully detect and classify the major soybean diseases like Soybean Rust, Powdery Mildew, Frogeye Leaf Spot, Downy Mildew, etc.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Vegetable Leaf Recognition Using Image Processing Python Project With Source Code Final Year Project Code


            Recognizing plants is a vital problem especially for biologists, agricultural researchers, and environmentalists. Plant recognition can be performed by human experts manually but it is a time consuming and low-efficiency process. Automation of plant recognition is an important process for the fields working with plants. This project presents an approach for plant recognition using leaf images. In this study, the proponents demonstrated the development of the system that gives users the ability to identify vegetables based on photographs of the leaves taken with a high definition camera.  At the heart of this system is a modernize process of identification, so as to automate the way of identifying the vegetable plants through leaf image and digital image processing. The output parameters are used to compute well documented metrics for the statistical and shape. Base on the study, the following conclusion are drawn: The system can extract the physical parameters from the leaf’s image that will be used in identifying Vegetable`s. From the extracted leaf parameters, the system provides the statistical analysis and general information of the identified leaf. 



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Currency Recognition Using Image Processing Matlab Project With Source Code | Final Year Project Source Code


           The appearance of the currency is part of this development and it is affected directly, where there is exploited in incorrect form by copying the currency in a manner similar to the reality. Therefore, it became necessary to implement a proposal for being a suitable as solution not inconsistent with the different cultures, time and place. This clear through add the watermarks inside currency, which is difficult to be copied. At the same time, this watermarks may be visible to the naked eye so can easily inferred or it is invisible. However the high resolution imaging devices can copy these additions. In this research, we have proposed a system to distinguish the currencies by the program that working a submission inferred to the watermark by feature extraction determined the type of currency. In addition to, it determined category of the currency. Benefit of it, is reducing as much as possible the spread of counterfeit currency and this system can be used by any user wants to make sure of the currency.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +917276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

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