Images are sent over an insecure transmission channel from different sources, some image data contains secret data, some images itself are highly confidential hence, securing them from any attack is essentially required. One way to provide image data security is by using Visual Cryptography. Visual cryptography is a technique in which visual information is enciphered in such a way that no one able to identify the image during transmission. One of the well-known visual cryptographic schemes has been ascribe to Moni Naor and Adi Shamir in 1994. During data transmission, data can be transmitted in the form of text, image, audio and video, hence securing all kinds of data is most essential in today’s era. Securing Image data is one of the major concern and a complex term. Various visual cryptographic techniques have been developed for confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of images during transmission and when it is received at other end. This project proposes an Image cryptography technique on the basis of AES Algorithm.