Paddy Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Processing | Final Year Matlab Project


          Agriculture plays an important role in the economic growth of every country and so it is necessary to ensure its development. The spread of various diseases in paddy plants has increased in recent years. There is a variety of plant pathogens such as viral, bacterial, fungal and these can damage different plant parts above and below the ground. However, some abiotic factors such as water, light, radiation, temperature, humidity, atmosphere, acidity, and soil also affect the growth of the plant. Crop diseases are creating problems for farmers due to low output and economic losses and industrial agriculture. So, it is need of the hour to detect such diseases as earliest as possible. A large number of crops are grown in India which often serve as hosts to different kinds of insect pests and pathogens. Most of the Indian  regions being subtropical to  tropical, the  agro-climate is more  conducive for the development of insect pests than  disease causing  pathogens. Prevention and  early diagnosis are  critical to  limiting damage by plant pathogens. The producers need to monitor their crops and detect the first symptoms in order to prevent the spread of a plant disease, with low cost and  save the major part of the  production. Detection of leaf diseases falls important for these reasons. Identifying diseases through naked eye is often prone to high error rates and faulty classification. This project proposes a method that solves this issue  and helps in identifying and classifying  the leaf diseases by applying various image processing and convolutional neural network algorithms. Due to this complexity, even the experienced agronomists and plant pathologists are often unsuccessful to diagnose the plant  diseases accurately.  The  use  of an  automated  system  which  can detect  and  diagnose the  plant  diseases can exponentially  help  the agronomists  keep  an  eye on  the  plants  and  ensure good  health  of the  plants. This project is developed in matlab.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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