Currency Recognition Using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) Python Project With Source Code | IEEE Based Projects


           The appearance of the currency is part of this development and it is affected directly, where there is exploited in incorrect form by copying the currency in a manner similar to the reality. Therefore, it became necessary to implement a proposal for being a suitable as solution not inconsistent with the different cultures, time and place. This clear through add the watermarks inside currency, which is difficult to be copied. At the same time, this watermarks may be visible to the naked eye so can easily inferred or it is invisible. However the high resolution imaging devices can copy these additions. In this research, we have proposed a system to distinguish the currencies by the program that working a submission inferred to the watermark by feature extraction determined the type of currency. In addition to, it determined category of the currency. Benefit of it, is reducing as much as possible the spread of counterfeit currency and this system can be used by any user wants to make sure of the currency.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Early Stage Leukemia Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Source Code | IEEE Based Projects


             Leukemia Blood cancer is the most prevalent and it is very much dangerous among all type of cancers. Early detection of blood cancer has the potential to reduce mortality and morbidity. There are many diagnostic technologies and tests to diagnose blood cancer. However many of these tests are extremely complex and subjective and depend heavily on the experience of the technician. To obviate these problems, image processing techniques is use in this study as promising modalities for detection of Leukemia blood cancer. The accuracy rate of the diagnosis of blood cancer by using image processing will be yield a slightly higher rate of accuracy then other traditional methods and will reduce the effort and time. We first discuss the preliminary of cell biology required to proceed to implement our proposed method. This project presents a new automated approach for blood Cancer detection and analysis from a given photograph of patient’s cancer affected blood sample. The proposed method is using image improvement, image segmentation for segmenting the different cells of blood, edge detection for detecting the boundary, size, and shape of the cells and finally Clustering for final decision of blood cancer based on the number of different cells.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Machine Learning Technique Matlab Project Source Code


          Content based image retrieval utilizes representations of features that are automatically extracted from the images themselves. All most all of the current CBIR systems allow for querying by example, a technique wherein an image (or part of an image) is selected by the user as the query. The system extracts the feature of the query image, searches the database for images with similar features, and exhibits relevant images to the user in order of similarity to the query. In this context, content includes among other features, perceptual properties such as texture, color, shape, and spatial relationships. Many CBIR systems have been developed that compare, analyze and retrieve images based on one or more of these features. Some systems have achieved various degrees of success by combining both content based and text based retrieval. In all cases, however, there has been no definitive conclusion as to what features provide the best retrieval. In this project we present a modified Support Vector Machine technique to retrieve the images similar to the query image.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Skin Disease Detection Using Convolutional Deep Learning Neural Network Python Source Code


                Many of the skin diseases are very dangerous, particularly if not treated at an early stage. Skin diseases are becoming common because of the increasing pollution. Skin diseases tend to pass from one person to another. Human habits tend to assume that some skin diseases are not serious problems. Sometimes, most of the people try to treat these infections of the skin using their own method. However, if these treatments are not suitable for that particular skin problem then it would make it worse. And also sometimes they may not be aware of the dangerous of their skin diseases, for instance skin cancers. With advance of medical imaging technologies, the acquired data information is getting so rich toward beyond the human’s capability of visual recognition and efficient use for clinical assessment. In this project we propose a diagnosis system which will enable users to detect and recognize skin diseases with the help of image processing and provide the user advises or treatments based on the results obtained in a shorter time period than the existing methods. In this project, we will be constructing a diagnosis system based on the techniques of Image Processing. We will be making use of Python to perform the pre-processing and processing of the skin images of the users. This processing will be conducted on the different skin patterns and will be analyzed to obtain the results from which we can identify which skin disease the user is suffering from. This data will help in early detection of the skin diseases and in providing their cure. Through this we will be finding a cost effective and feasible test method for the detection of skin disorders. The results obtained will be classified according to the given prototype and diagnosis accuracy assessment will be performed to provide users with efficient and fast results.


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Image Encryption Using DNA Algorithm Matlab Project Source Code | Final Year Projects


      The development of a new image encryption algorithm using real structures of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules is considered. In the proposed algorithm, the encryption process is performed by confusing and rearranging the pixels of the image based on the coordinates of the chaotic points obtained by the chaos game of DNA symbols, the sequence of DNA symbols, and the encoding rule.We propose a new image encryption algorithm based on DNA sequences combined with chaotic maps. This algorithm has innovations it diffuses the pixels by transforming the nucleotides into corresponding base pairs a random number of times. For any size of the original grayscale image, the rows and columns are fist exchanged by the arrays generated each pixel that has been confused is encoded into four nucleotides according to the DNA coding each nucleotide is transformed into the corresponding base pair a random number of time(s) by a series of iterative computations.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Character Recognition Using Image Processing Python Project with Source Code | IEEE Based Projects


                 Optical character recognition (OCR) is becoming a powerful tool in the field of Character Recognition, now a days. In the existing globalized environment, OCR can play a vital role in different application fields. Basically, OCR technique converts images into editable format. This technique converts images in the form of documents such as we can edit, modify and store data more safely for longtime. This paper presents basic of OCR technique with its components such as pre-processing, Feature Extraction, Classification, post-processing etc. There are various techniques have been implemented for the recognition of character. This Review also discusses different ideas implemented earlier for recognition of a character. This paper may act as a supportive material for those who wish to know about OCR. Now a days, globalization is reaching to a great level. In this globalized environment, character recognition techniques also getting a valuable demand in number of application areas. OCR is an effective technique which converts image into suitable format such that data can be edit, modify and stored. This technique performs several operations such as, scans the input image, processes over the scanned image thereby image gets converted into portable formats .For instance, the hard copy of old historical books, novels, etc. .cannot be stored safely for a long time. Rather, its safety has limitations. If we apply OCR technique for such cases, the different historical documents can be stored, modified for a longtime. OCR also having variety of applications in almost all fields, including security. OCR implementation helps us to edit, store and process over the scanned data more effectively. User can handle the stored data whenever he wants with the internet support. So Optical character recognition is most successful application used in pattern recognition.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +917276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

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